Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Use of Labels on Gothic Quest

Labels are used to group together like entries on a blog (or other types of applications).  Their use are fairly obvious but this entry explains how various labels are used here on Gothic Quest.

In an attempt to cross-reference the entire blog, the following LABELing convention is explained below:

Anthologies - whenever one or more anthology titles are referred to in an entry.  An anthology is a collection of selected items by various authors.
Authors - whenever the name of one or more authors are mentioned in an entry.
 Collections - whenever the title of one or more collections are referred to in an entry.  A collection is generally a group of selected items by the same author.
Critique - an entry that contains a critical analysis of one or more works.
Doppelganger - An entry in which the doppelganger motif is mentioned or discussed.  Also interchangeably termed: The Double, The Twin, The Other.
Films - an entry in which one or more film titles are mentioned.
Novels - an entry in which on or more novel titles are mentioned.
 Poems - an entry in which one or more poems are mentioned.
Resources - an entry in which one or more non-fiction sources are referenced.  The resource(s) may be complete books, book sections, articles or any combination of resources.
Reviews - an entry that is either a review of one or more works or makes reference to such reviews.
Short Stories - an entry that discusses or mentions by title one or more short stories.
Titles - whenever a title of any kind is mentioned or discussed in an entry.

All the above labels have been applied to this entry to serve as an example.  In addition to the above labels, others may be used as needed.

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